
Water, Sewer, Garbage

The City of Ipswich provides water and sewer service to all residential and commercial properties within the city limits.  Garbage service is provided to residential properties.  Commercial properties are required to contract for their own garbage service. 

Residents are asked to visit the Ipswich City Office, located at 122 4th Street, (under the water tower) to sign up for or to change service.  If you have questions, please call us at 426-6961.

A $100 deposit is required when signing up for services.  For more about the Ipswich City Utility policies, please click here.

Online Payments accepted, Click here for more information!

Montana Dakota Utilities (within city limits) 1-800-638-3278
FEM Electric (outside city limits) 426-6891

Valley Telecommunications 605-426-6000

Midcontinent Communications 1-800-888-1300
Valley Telecommunications  605-426-6000

Propane/Heating & Cooling
Diamond S 605-216-8196
Official Website of Ipswich, South Dakota